Monday, January 28, 2008

'just my luck' starring lindsay lohan provided the source for which tamil movie's plot?



Which yet to be shot tamil movie is to be based on the hit malayalam movie "Katha parayumbol"?

Kuselan. where rajini is playing the role played by Mammooty


Who is the hero of Bharathiraja's next movie "Yogi"?

Ameer, the director of Paruthiveeran

who is the lead singer of the hip hop group "poetic ammo"?

Yogi B of "engaeyum eppodum"


who was the lead singer of the group S5, created through a talent search by SS channel?

Benny Dayal, the guy who sang Maduraiku pogathadi from ATM


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Which still-born movie was supposed to have been based on a character named Yusuf Khan?


This actor flunked the screentest for the lead role in Richard Attenborough's Gandhi. Later he reprised that role in Kamal Hassan's Hey Ram. Who?

Naseerudin Shah.

Kamal Hassan plays 10 roles in Dasavatharam. How many parts did Rolf Leslie play in Sixty Years a Queen?

27! Kamal will have to do many more movies to beat this Scotsman. For more multiple role facts, go here.